Pool 1
1 to 11 win by 2
All Matches Played
Pool 1 All Matches Played
1 to 11 win by 2
Satomi Nassirian /Isaac Ta /Andrei Ta 4
Lindsey Hoffman /Duane Starmach /Donald Mikan 4
Florence Holston /Jimmy Lemon /Monico Moreno 1
Game 1
Jimmy Lemon /Monico Moreno That Time I Got Reincarnated as a 3.0 Pickleball Player Isaac Ta /Andrei Ta Lunar Lobbersss Completed
Donald Mikan /Duane Starmach Keep it Real Jimmy Lemon /Monico Moreno That Time I Got Reincarnated as a 3.0 Pickleball Player Completed
Isaac Ta /Andrei Ta Lunar Lobbersss Donald Mikan /Duane Starmach Keep it Real Game 2
Jimmy Lemon /Florence Holston That Time I Got Reincarnated as a 3.0 Pickleball Player Isaac Ta /Satomi Nassirian Lunar Lobbersss Completed
Donald Mikan /Lindsey Hoffman Keep it Real Jimmy Lemon /Florence Holston That Time I Got Reincarnated as a 3.0 Pickleball Player Completed
Isaac Ta /Satomi Nassirian Lunar Lobbersss Donald Mikan /Lindsey Hoffman Keep it Real Game 3
Monico Moreno /Florence Holston That Time I Got Reincarnated as a 3.0 Pickleball Player Andrei Ta /Satomi Nassirian Lunar Lobbersss Completed
Duane Starmach /Lindsey Hoffman Keep it Real Monico Moreno /Florence Holston That Time I Got Reincarnated as a 3.0 Pickleball Player Completed
Andrei Ta /Satomi Nassirian Lunar Lobbersss Duane Starmach /Lindsey Hoffman Keep it Real