Pool 2
1 to 11 win by 2
All Matches Played
Pool 2 All Matches Played
1 to 11 win by 2
Erica Gafken /Sam Oduche /Johnny Tran 6
Erica Gutierrez /Eddie Sada /Jaylen Ramirez 2
Linda Tran /Vince Newsom /Joseph Vega 1
Game 1
Joseph Vega /Vince Newsom The Slice is Rice Johnny Tran /Sam Oduche Rush Hour Completed
Joseph Vega /Vince Newsom The Slice is Rice Eddie Sada /Jaylen Ramirez 3rd Shot Drive Completed
Johnny Tran /Sam Oduche Rush Hour Eddie Sada /Jaylen Ramirez 3rd Shot Drive Game 2
Joseph Vega /Linda Tran The Slice is Rice Johnny Tran /Erica Gafken Rush Hour Completed
Joseph Vega /Linda Tran The Slice is Rice Eddie Sada /Erica Gutierrez 3rd Shot Drive Completed
Johnny Tran /Erica Gafken Rush Hour Eddie Sada /Erica Gutierrez 3rd Shot Drive Game 3
Vince Newsom /Linda Tran The Slice is Rice Sam Oduche /Erica Gafken Rush Hour Completed
Jaylen Ramirez /Erica Gutierrez 3rd Shot Drive Vince Newsom /Linda Tran The Slice is Rice Completed
Sam Oduche /Erica Gafken Rush Hour Jaylen Ramirez /Erica Gutierrez 3rd Shot Drive